template<size_t Dimensions, typename T, bool Owner = true>
spice::nd_vector_impl class

Represents an N-dimensional, discrete field of values of a type. Depending on how the contained data is interpreted, this class can represent a coordinate, a colour, a transformation matrix, an image or an abstract, higher-dimensional collection of elements.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

nd_vector_impl() constexpr
nd_vector_impl(T*const data, std::array<size_t, Dimensions> shape) constexpr
nd_vector_impl(nd_vector_impl const& other) constexpr

Public functions

auto dimensions() const -> size_t constexpr
auto shape() const -> const std::array<size_t, Dimensions>&
auto size() const -> size_t
auto data() -> gsl::span<T> constexpr
auto data() const -> gsl::span<T const > constexpr
auto operator=(nd_vector_impl const& other) -> nd_vector_impl&
auto operator=(T const& value) -> nd_vector_impl&
auto reset(nd_vector_impl const& other) -> nd_vector_impl&
Reassigns the data pointer to refer to others data and resets the size accordingly.
template<bool Enabled = Dimensions == 1, std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
auto operator[](size_t index) -> T&
template<bool Enabled = Dimensions == 1, std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
auto operator[](size_t index) const -> const T&
template<bool Enabled = (Dimensions> 1), std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
auto operator[](size_t index) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - 1, T, false>
template<bool Enabled = (Dimensions> 1), std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
auto operator[](size_t index) const -> const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - 1, T, false>
template<typename ... Ts, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
auto operator()(Ts... indeces) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false>
template<typename ... Ts, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
auto operator()(Ts... indeces) const -> const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false>
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
auto operator()(Ts... indeces) -> T&
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
auto operator()(Ts... indeces) const -> const T&
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
auto at(Ts... indeces) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false>
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
auto at(Ts... indeces) const -> const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false>
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
auto at(Ts... indeces) -> T&
template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
auto at(Ts... indeces) const -> const T&
template<bool Owner_other>
auto operator+=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator+=(T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<bool Owner_other>
auto operator-=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator-=(T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<bool Owner_other>
auto operator*=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator*=(T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<bool Owner_other>
auto operator/=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator/=(T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>&


auto operator==(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs) -> bool
auto operator!=(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs) -> bool
auto operator==(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, T const*const rhs) -> bool
auto operator!=(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, T const*const rhs) -> bool
auto operator==(T const*const lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs) -> bool
auto operator!=(T const*const lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs) -> bool
template<bool Owner_rhs>
auto operator+(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator+(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator+(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<bool Owner_rhs>
auto operator-(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator-(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator-(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<bool Owner_rhs>
auto operator*(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator*(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator*(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<bool Owner_rhs>
auto operator/(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator/(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
auto operator/(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs) -> nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, nd_vector_impl const& vec) -> std::ostream&

Function documentation

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::nd_vector_impl() constexpr

Constructs an nd_vector measuring 0 in every dimension, thus containing no values.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::nd_vector_impl(T*const data, std::array<size_t, Dimensions> shape) constexpr

Constructs a fresh nd_vector with the supplied data and shape. Owning nd_vectors will take ownership of the pointer, non-owning nd_vectors will leave resource management to the caller.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::nd_vector_impl(nd_vector_impl const& other) constexpr

Constructs an nd_vector from another, reusing the other's buffer. This is overridden for owning nd_vectors to create a new buffer.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
size_t spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::dimensions() const constexpr

Returns The number of dimensions as specified by the template

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
const std::array<size_t, Dimensions>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::shape() const

Returns The shape array describing this nd_vector

The shape of an nd_vector is its size in each of the dimensions. The interpretation of the semantics of said shape is up to the user.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
size_t spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::size() const

Returns The total number of elements

Calculates the total number of elements contained in this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
gsl::span<T> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::data() constexpr

Allows accessing the underlying data directly.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
gsl::span<T const > spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::data() const constexpr

Allows accessing the underlying data directly. The data is returned in terms of a one-dimensional, non-owning nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
nd_vector_impl& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator=(nd_vector_impl const& other)

Copies the values from other to this. Only values included in the intersection of the shapes of other and this are copied, the shape of this is not adjusted.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
nd_vector_impl& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator=(T const& value)

Moves the data from other to this, resizing the object as necessary.

Sets all values of this equal to value. The current shape is retained.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
nd_vector_impl& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::reset(nd_vector_impl const& other)

Reassigns the data pointer to refer to others data and resets the size accordingly.

Returns nd_vector_impl& *this

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Enabled = Dimensions == 1, std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator[](size_t index)

index The index of the element to retrieve
Returns A reference to an element in the nd_vector

Returns an element from the nd_vector.

Calling my_image[42][47][2] on an nd_vector representing an RGB image would return the blue channel value in column 43 (index 42), row 48 of the image.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Enabled = Dimensions == 1, std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
const T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator[](size_t index) const

index The index of the element to retrieve
Returns A reference to an element in the nd_vector

Returns an element from the nd_vector.

Calling my_image[42][47][2] on an nd_vector representing an RGB image would return the blue channel value in column 43 (index 42), row 48 of the image.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Enabled = (Dimensions> 1), std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - 1, T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator[](size_t index)

index The index of the column to retrieve a view for
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of decremented dimensionality referring to the dimensional slice indicated by the index.

Returns a view into the nd_vector. This view will be a non-owning nd_vector of dimensionality Dimensions - 1.

Calling my_image[42][47] on an nd_vector representing an RGB image would return a one-dimensional nd_vector representing the colour in column 43 (index 42), row 48 of the image.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Enabled = (Dimensions> 1), std::enable_if_t<Enabled, int> = 0>
const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - 1, T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator[](size_t index) const

index The index of the dimension to retrieve a view for
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of decremented dimensionality referring to the dimensional slice indicated by the index.

Returns a view into the nd_vector. This view will be a non-owning nd_vector of dimensionality Dimensions - 1.

Calling my_image[42][47] on an nd_vector representing an RGB image would return a one-dimensional nd_vector representing the colour in column 43 (index 42), row 48 of the image.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator()(Ts... indeces)

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the slice from
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of the same type and dimension n - m where n is the dimensionality of this vector and m the count of arguments passed to this function.

Creates a non-owning nd_vector referring to a lower-dimensional slice of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator()(Ts... indeces) const

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the slice from
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of the same type and dimension n - m where n is the dimensionality of this vector and m the count of arguments passed to this function.

Creates a non-owning nd_vector referring to a lower-dimensional slice of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator()(Ts... indeces)

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the element from
Returns A reference to an element in the nd_vector

Retrieves a reference to an element of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
const T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator()(Ts... indeces) const

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the element from
Returns A const reference to an element in the nd_vector

Retrieves a reference to an element of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::at(Ts... indeces)

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the slice from
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of the same type and dimension n - m where n is the dimensionality of this vector and m the count of arguments passed to this function.
std::out_of_range if the supplied coordinates are not located inside the bounds of this nd_vector as supplied by nd_vector::shape().

Creates a non-owning nd_vector referring to a lower-dimensional slice of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Ts)<Dimensions), int> = 0>
const nd_vector_impl<Dimensions - sizeof...(Ts), T, false> spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::at(Ts... indeces) const

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the slice from
Returns A non-owning nd_vector of the same type and dimension n - m where n is the dimensionality of this vector and m the count of arguments passed to this function.
std::out_of_range if the supplied coordinates are not located inside the bounds of this nd_vector as supplied by nd_vector::shape().

Creates a non-owning nd_vector referring to a lower-dimensional slice of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::at(Ts... indeces)

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the element from
Returns A reference to an element in the nd_vector
std::out_of_range if the supplied coordinates are not located inside the bounds of this nd_vector as supplied by nd_vector::shape().

Retrieves a reference to an element of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename ... Ts, class = std::common_type_t<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts)==Dimensions, int> = 0>
const T& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::at(Ts... indeces) const

indeces The coordinates to retrieve the element from
Returns A reference to an element in the nd_vector
std::out_of_range if the supplied coordinates are not located inside the bounds of this nd_vector as supplied by nd_vector::shape().

Retrieves a reference to an element of this nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_other>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator+=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs)

Adds the first nd_vector element-wise to the second. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator+=(T_scalar const& rhs)

Adds the scalar rhs argument to each element of the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_other>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator-=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs)

Subtracts the first nd_vector element-wise from the second. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator-=(T_scalar const& rhs)

Subtracts the scalar rhs argument from each element of the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_other>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator*=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs)

Multiplies the first nd_vector element-wise with the second. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator*=(T_scalar const& rhs)

Multiplies each element of the nd_vector with the scalar rhs argument.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_other>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator/=(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_other> const& rhs)

Divides the first nd_vector element-wise from the second. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>& spice::nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner>::operator/=(T_scalar const& rhs)

Divides each element of the nd_vector by the scalar rhs argument.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator==(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs)

Compares two nd_vectors with one another. Two nd_vectors are considered to be equal if they have the same shape and contain the same data.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator!=(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs)

Compares two nd_vectors with one another. operator!= is implemented as the negation of nd_vector::operator==.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator==(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, T const*const rhs)

Compares an nd_vector with a pointer type. They are considered to be equal if the pointer points to the same address as the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator!=(nd_vector_impl const& lhs, T const*const rhs)

Compares an nd_vector with a pointer type. operator!= is implemented as the negation of nd_vector::operator==.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator==(T const*const lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs)

Compares an nd_vector with a pointer type. They are considered to be equal if the pointer points to the same address as the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
bool operator!=(T const*const lhs, nd_vector_impl const& rhs)

Compares an nd_vector with a pointer type. operator!= is implemented as the negation of nd_vector::operator==.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_rhs>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator+(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs)

Adds the two nd_vectors element-wise. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator+(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs)

Adds the scalar rhs argument to each element of the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator+(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs)

Adds the scalar lhs argument to each element of the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_rhs>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator-(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs)

Subtracts the two nd_vectors element-wise. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator-(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs)

Subtracts the scalar rhs argument from each element of the nd_vector.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator-(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs)

Subtracts the scalar from each element of the nd_vector, returning an nd_vector containing the resulting values.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_rhs>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator*(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs)

Multiplies the two nd_vectors element-wise. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator*(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs)

Multiplies each element of the nd_vector with the scalar rhs argument.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator*(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs)

Multiplies each element of the nd_vector with the scalar lhs argument.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<bool Owner_rhs>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator/(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, Owner_rhs> const& rhs)

Divides the two nd_vectors element-wise. If the two nd_vectors have different dimensions, only the overlapping parts will be taken into account. The nd_vectors will be aligned by their top-left corners.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator/(nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> lhs, T_scalar const& rhs)

Divides each element of the nd_vector by the scalar rhs argument.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner> template<typename T_scalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T_scalar>::value>>
nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> operator/(T_scalar const& lhs, nd_vector_impl<Dimensions, T, true> rhs)

Divides the scalar by each element of the nd_vector, returning an nd_vector containing the resulting values.

template<size_tDimensions, typenameT, boolOwner>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, nd_vector_impl const& vec)

Prints a representation of the nd_vector of the form nd_vector_impl (W x H x D)[ 42, ..., 47 ]to the proVided stream.